shopping24 tech blog

s is for shopping

November 20, 2014 / by Tobias Kässmann / Software engineer / @kaessmannt

Search technology meetup Hamburg

This year, we started a new Search Technology Meetup for Hamburg and provided the location for it. Our goal is to create a search community that shares their experience & learnings. We are absolutely looking forward to provide space for other speakers, even if it’s not as technical as the first talks.

We started with a “warm” welcome and a really tasty Leberkäse from Fleischerei Göpp, thanks btw! We welcomed people interested in search with very different background and level of experience. And that’s exactly what we are looking for!

Torsten kicked off with “Evolution of e-commerce search @ shopping24” that gave a very deep view into the technology/software we use at shopping24. He walked along the ideas and learning over the last years. The mentioned Solr plugins are available on github.

Search technology meetup hamburg torsten Search technology meetup hamburg tobias

The second talk “Clustering your e-commerce products (in Solr)” was a more specialized talk about clustering in Solr with Carrot2. The first part of the talk covered the conversion of products into product vectors and the importance of visualization. Carrot2 is a great Solr component that focuses on the clustering result and encapsulates document vector retrieval and computation. The second part covered a proof of concept and some ideas and areas where document clusters and vectors might be a handy tool.

Search technology meetup hamburg outro

Thanks to all the participants and we looking forward the next meetup at around march 2015! If you want some further information about the talks, want to stay in contact give some feedback, feel free to do this on

Slides presented in this meetup: