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November 06, 2015 / by Kim Hogeling / Web developer / @kimhogeling

stick-to-finger fast 60fps talk at Google Developer Group DevFest Hamburg 2015

I jumped for joy, as the Google Developer Group DevFest Hamburg 2015 accepted my call for papers. Such a great opportunity to talk about the part of performance which is often forgotten: Runtime performance!

About GDG DevFest

Here is a quote from “The biggest Google tech conference in norther Germany carefully crafted for you by the GDG’s of Hamburg! All the latest about Android, Web and Cloud.” The GDG DevFest Hamburg 2015 was separated into two days. Thursday consisted of codelabs and friday of talks. My talk is a normal 45 minutes talk, which is presented on friday at 12:00 am.


The talk is called “stick-to-finger fast 60fps websites / -apps” and it covers runtime performance. The topics are the RAIL model, Jank, the pixel pipeline, garbage collection and efficient JavaScript. I also created some demo experiments to show how to make janky effects smooth which contained parallax effects, rotating backgrounds, off-canvas menus and fun light/shadow effects with the mouse. I use Chrome DevTools timeline pane to visualize runtime performance problems and solutions.


“So our pages load fast now, PageSpeed Insights loves us and we tweeted #perfmatters with pride, but we’re not done yet! If we miss our 60fps goal, interacting with websites and -apps can become pure pain - especially on mobile. In this talk I will first explain in short how browsers turn our code into pixels each frame. And with the help of Chrome’s DevTools we will make scrolling and transitions jank free without giving up our eye candy features e.g. fixed header, off-canvas menu and parallax scrolling. Let’s create some fancy rich but silky smooth stick-to-finger user experiences!”


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